Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural

Degree in Natural Environment Engineering

240 ECTS Credits


Students graduated in Natural Environment Engineering achieve a series of multi-disciplinary subjects in specific areas such as earth science, territorial analysis, socioeconomics, infrastructures in the natural environment, species and site management, environmental impact detection and assessment, and management of engineering projects.


  • To apply insights and suitable techniques to the design, development and exploitation of technology addressed to the management, preservation and protection of the natural environment.
  • To communicate effectively knowledge and ideas related to the environmental technologies.
  • To carry out professional activities under social and ethical responsibilities.
  • To identify and quantify the ecological requirements of the wild flora and fauna species.
  • To evaluate the economic value of the ecosystems and resources of the natural environment, as well as the impact of human activities.
  • To understand and implement land-use plans of the natural environment.
  • To determine and evaluate the environmental and ecological factors involved in the planning of the construction of infrastructures in the natural environment
  • To design preventive, corrective and compensatory actions for the ecological and environmental effects caused by the activities carried out in the natural environment.
  • To design and implement actions for the restoration of degraded ecosystems
  • To perform ecological and environmental consultancy works in the natural environment
  • To control the bases of the renewable energetic uses in the natural environment
  • To manage pollutants and waste disposed in the natural environment sector.
  • To plan preventive strategies and actions against natural disasters.
  • To design, plan and organize educational, tourism, and recreational activities.